Nick Feldman PB1A
Nick Feldman

I chose to do a college advertisement because I feel that most students going into their senior still don't know what they want to do or where they want to go. I felt like this was a great college advertise because it had all the proper information. For example, it had careers that most people are interested in that college, it said what college it was and gave contact information, and it has a lot of great options for majors. I feel like this advertisement is cool because of the title "Recently Laid Off" which means it is a college that also takes people that have just been fired from their jobs and don't know what to do next in their future so they should consider this college. This college also looks like a great business, computer, and technology school so anyone that is interested in those fields should definitely consider this school. Another thing this consists of is job placement so if you have been recently fired or are still looking for a job this college seems like the right place to go. Another good thing about this college is it provides information. There is phone number you could call, you could text, there is a website you could visit and make research about it if you're interested. College advertisement is so big for people especially high school seniors who don't know what they want to do with their lives so a cite like this would be very beneficial for them. Something great about this college is it provides Externships-a temporary training program in a workplace, especially one offered to students as part of a course of study. Externships are extremely helpful for people that are trying to go into the workforce. An externship is more about real-world education than employment. It’s an opportunity to take what you’ve learned in class and lab, and see how it applies to the job outside of the classroom. It’s basically the same with internships. There are no guarantees, but a lot of the employers that the school works with take in externs because they have positions to fill. They see an externship as an extended interview, and so should you. Make the most of your opportunity because if an employer likes what they see, they might find a way to keep you around after you graduate. That’s why externships are the last six weeks of most of our programs. All that help will pay off in the future especially when you find a job. This is why I like this college advertisement. Like I said in the beginning it is extremely beneficial for high school seniors that don’t know what they want to do in the future and for people that have just lost their jobs or people still looking for a job.
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